As the Self-Appointed Hudson Family Historian, I have found the Genealogical Research of our families history to be Intriging, Rewarding and Challenging. There is a couple of reasons why l make that claim.  First of all there are possibly thousands of Hudson family surnames, recorded in governmental and private organizations census records and related documents to use
as resources.  Secondly, due to the inhumane global surreptitious practices utilized during the slavery era, I am regrettably
limited on claiming an accurate date of origin for our particular families history, but I have been fortunate enough to have ac-
quired some data through Living Testimonies from various Family Members and Official Governmental Documents dating
back to the late (1800's). I can't by no means change how such record keeping practices were instituted or implemented in
the past, but I will strive to be instrumental in the future by maintaining our families history for the sake of all future genera-
tions of the Hudson Family.

So let us begin our journey with the prayer and hope in God that we as a family will bond together and assist each core
group of the family in maintaining accurate generalogical records in which should be shared and passed down through all subsequent generations of  Hudson Family members.  Furthermore; I do believe this age-old and well known truism; "If
we don't know where we came from, how can we possibly know where we are going".



Our Journey begins with my Paternal Grandparents Mr. Andrew T. Hudson; (aka)..(Grandpa Hudd) and Grandmother Cassie
Hudson (maiden name of Verns).  It is believed that both Andrew and Cassie were joined in Holy Matrimony when they were
in their late teenage or early twenties years of age.  Grand Pa Hudson was born in 1904, in the city of Lula, Mississippi, and
died at the age of ( 62 ), on July 28, 1966, in the city of Helena, Arkansas from natural causes.  The exact month and day of
his birth has not been determined).  Grand Ma Cassie was born either in 1905 or 1908 in the City of Lula, Mississippi and
died from unknown causes in the month of January of 1956 at the early age of about ( 48 ). The exact date of her birth and
the day of her death has not been determined at this particular juncture of my research. They were both buried in cemeteries
in Helena, Arkansas. The exact location is unknown at this time. 

I have not acquired the names of my Paternal Great-Great Grandparents nor do I have any genealogical information pertaining
to other Hudson Family ancestors who were born centuries earlier, but I'm positive that some of this information will most like-
ly be found shortly.  I make this claim because I consider myself an optimist and I truly believe in my heart that this mission
of documenting my families genealogical history is a major priority in my life. So; on that note I'll proceed with the task at
hand and simply utilize what little information I have been privileged to retrieve thus far. 

From my personal knowledge of Grand Pa Andrew when I was a young child while living on the Solomons Plantation which
was located in a community referred to as Helena Crossing, which is also in close proximity to the cities of Helena and
West Helena, Arkansas, and from numerous interviews and testimonies from close relatives, the following facts were dis-
(a). Grand Pa Hudson's Primary Job profession was a Common Laborer, General Machine Mechanic and Shop Foreman, al-
so a Farm Equipment Operator and Farm Personnel Equipment Trainer.  All other acquired skills or careers and educational
background information will be determined during further research.

.Hudson Family
Remarks: Continued research will follow....